Why Should I Buy A Valaurah Farms Puppy?

What Makes A Valaurah Farms Standard Poodle Special?

Our puppies are raised 100% as family members and are from only the best possible parents. As you peruse the pages dedicated to each of our parent dogs, you’ll notice that they are extensively titled and health tested.

You may wonder why those things are important to you. You just want a pet. You aren’t looking to show. Why on earth are the puppies so expensive?

The reason YOU, as a conscientious and educated puppy-seeker, should look for a puppy that has parents with extensive health testing and titles and for a puppy that is raised to be a member of the family, with a curriculum, and is empowered to learn the world is safe, is simple. You are looking to add a companion to your family that you can trust, that isn’t going to have preventable genetic health defects, and who is going to be able to join you on your adventures through life. You are looking for a puppy that will become a dog who can go hiking, play sports, join you on vacations, and bring light and joy into your life.

A Valaurah Farms Puppy isn’t just a Puppy, it is the RIGHT Puppy

These are not the puppies you find on craigslist or from your local back yard breeder.

These Standard Poodles have superpowers!

  • My Standard Poodle puppies will heal hearts and change lives for the better.

  • My Standard Poodle puppies are carefully bred by an ethical and responsible breeder with years of experience.

  • My Standard Poodle puppies are prepared from birth to become the best possible version of themself and live fulfilled lives.

  • My Standard Poodle puppies are carefully evaluated for health, structure and temperament. This information is then made available to YOU so YOU can make INFORMED decisions regarding temperament and properly envision what life with each puppy would look like.

  • My Standard Poodle puppies begin learning house manners, crate training, house training, loose leash walking, impulse control, grooming manners and so much, all before leaving my care to become your lifelong companion.

  • My standard Poodle puppies come with lifetime breeder support, microchipped, vaccinated, veterinarian checked, de-wormed, and ready to snuggle perfectly into your world.

Why Are Your Puppies So Expensive?


Why Are Your Puppies So Expensive? *

Why are your puppies so expensive? I can go to a different breeder and buy a puppy for 1/3 (or 1/8th) the price?

This is such a common question and my answer, in short, is that breeding is expensive. Breeding when done responsibly and ethically, is CRAZY EXPENSIVE. Here brief overview of expenses for raising just ONE momma dog to the point of whelping. I am certain there are expenses I don’t have listed (grooming is the one that comes to mind immediately, and my groomers can tell you, I spend some money on grooming).

Note, that this does not include any of the costs incurred in actually RAISING a litter to a higher standard with an advanced curriculum. This does not include MY TIME (do you work for free? Because I do. 24/7 care for 8-9 weeks straight). This does not take into account emergencies or the loss of a beloved dog. This does not take into account all the vacations and holidays I miss. Marketing expenses, home expenses, insurance, transport, vet care for puppies, CLEANING SUPPLIES (EASILY $700 PER LITTER!!!!), FOOD (have you fed a litter of 12 puppies at 8 weeks old? These guys can EAT). Sleepless nights, medicine, customer care…. I could keep going, but I think you get the point.

So the next question I get asked is: Why do you do this?

I do this because I LOVE IT. I LOVE raising puppies. I LOVE the bonding experience with my momma’s. And I LOVE providing families with well-bred, beloved new family members that they can confidently welcome into their life. I love ensuring that each puppy has had every possible advantage so he/she can become a beloved new family member and live a LONG AND HAPPY life.

Spreadsheet detailing costs of raising a dog for breeding