First Name
Last Name
Spouse's Name (if applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Spouse's E-mail (if applicable)
Spouse's Phone Number (if applicable)
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
How did you find out about Valaurah Farm's Guardian Program?
Do you have a general time line on when you might like to bring home a Guardian Dog?
How you ever raised a puppy before? If so, what breed or breeds?
What was your favorite thing about your last dog? What was your least favorite thing?
Have you ever owned a Standard Poodle before?
Do you have a gender preference?
No Preference
Do you have any other dogs or pets? If yes, please specify
If you have other dogs, are they spayed/neutered? If not, will they be altered?
Please list a Vet Reference (if available)
Vet Office Phone Number
Please tell me about your housing situation and where the dog will be kept. Please be as descriptive as possible.
How many adults are in your home?
How many children are in your home?
If Interested in a Male, are you within a 30 minute radius of Eugene, OR
I want a female
If interested in a Female, are you located within a 2.5 radius of Eugene, OR?
I want a male
Do you have an interest in dog sports? Preference is always given to those who are wishing to compete or title dogs. If yes, which sports interest you?
No, no interest in dog sports
Barn Hunt
Dock Diving
Do you have experience in dog sports?
Please describe any experience you might have in the dog sports you might be interested in.
What about being a Guardian Home is more appealing to you verses purchasing a puppy?
If you have a Female, are you aware that you will be required to relinquish her care to me for a period of approximately 8+ weeks for every litter she has? This could be up to twice a year. Will you and your family be emotionally prepared to part with her for this length of time? We will do our best to give visitation, but this is not guaranteed.
Not Interested in a Female
If you have a Male, do you realize that you will be required to relinquish him to our care for a period of a couple of hours (up to a few days) when it is time for him to breed a girl?
Not Interested in a Male
Are you prepared to assist with Vet appointments and testing. (All breeding related expenses we will pay, but you might have to drive somewhere occasionally)
The Guardian Dog will be shown to at least a Champion title. Are you prepared to maintain proper coat care and assist with training and socialization?
If you have a breeding female, are you prepared to handle her heat cycles? We are here to help when the time comes, but do you have any knowledge of the process? It can be messy sometimes, and we just want you to be aware before committing! *
If you have a breeding male, are you aware that he may have issues with humping and/or marking? This does not always happen, but we want potential guardians to to be aware of the possibility. *
Are you willing to relinquish any and all decisions on the breeding life of the dog to us? Our guardians are important to us and we appreciate their interest in breeding. However, we want our guardians to be able to trust us to always make the right decision for the dog and it's health and well-being. *
Please be aware that many people are opposed to breeding dogs in general. Are you prepared to defend your dog and/or our program to other who may disagree with breeding? *
What do you like or dislike about our breeding program? *
If you are accepted to be a guardian for one of our dogs, would you be ok with a home inspection and an interview in your home? *
Do you have questions or comments for me?